Bulk Sms Sim Card Software

What is Bulk SMS Software :

There are two type of bulk sms software 1) Online Bulk Sms Aplication Software 2) Offline Sim Card Sms software

Why Bulk Sms Software need when it is free to be use form mobile :

Bulk sms software is used with Sim Card same as sue in mobile now. When sms are free (by special recharge coupons), than why there is need or wanted bulk sms software.

Usually we send sms to 1 number or few, maximum we can send 20 person sms form our mobile sim card at a time from our regular number. we have to repeat each time same proceger again and again until it get finish.

It take lot’s of time and some time cost higher (if we exit free limitations of mobile sim card scheme).

How Bulk Sms Software with Sim Card Works :

Bulk Sms Software work on a simple way as sms send form mobile to mobile, there is noting extra-ordinary substance added in it. It is just it can send sms in ONE GO with same Sim card that is sue in mobile’s.

Instead of Sim card in mobile you have to use same in any dongle where mobile sim card is use to send sms in bulk quantity at a time instantly, it is fast and sms delivers all in inbox.

In Sim base bulk sms software are sms goes 100% inbox, as there is no DND rules applicable, as it is send my individual sim and not form online bulk sms application.

How to Send Bulk Sms Using Sim Card Software :

Do u want to use bulk sms services for just your personal use by sending sms to just few numbers, than we have  best and the world class and one of its kind bulk sms software.

You no need of internet for sending bulk sms from sim card software.  You have to get a Dongal or an Data Cable with computer / pc where Sim get dictate.

Procedure of Sending Bulk Sms from Sim Card Software :

It is a simple computer desktop version (no internet required). You will be able to see all kind of feature use to run this sim base software.

In an simple way to understand, For example if you are getting 100 sms free every day through a sim card, than you can choose 100 numbers in a file and attach in software, than type normal 160 characters message same in mobile, than click to send to 100 chosen number at a time. With in few seconds you sms will be deliver to all contact you have uploaded.


our features of bulk sms software :-

compose sms, contact list, groups manage, inbox and outbox, phone visibility and detection automatically, responder system, scheduler of sms, sms sent details, receive sms from your mobile inbox, bulk import system, short sms, long sms, subject, software can work with any mobile handset and work faster for its inbuilt system settings, sms send in all operator numbers even it send sms in dnd numbers, etc.

it is a desktop application and very easy to download.  it is a very low space sms software and does not harm to any other computer hard ware and software function, as other free bulk sms download software do.

bulk sms freeware :- available free bulk sms download software in the internet corrupt your computer and steal your important database and even harm your bank accounts.


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